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DISCOver Now
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DISCOver Now
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DISCOver Now
Smells like D-I-S-C-O
To celebrate the launch of our DISCOvery Sets, we wish to physically manifest and celebrate the sensuality of the fragrances by capturing the heady emotion of disco, proposing a niche subset of the phenomenon.
Disco serves as an act of rebellion and urges us to see beyond the established, flipping the old rules on their head and repurposing them into a forward-gazing disco inferno.
DISCOver MoreEnter: the Escentric and Molecule DISCOvery Sets, complete with either five Escentric or five Molecule offerings in 8.5ml vials. These DISCOvery Sets allow you to experience every part of the Escentric Molecules disco before choosing your favourite track.
Escentric DISCOvery Set
The Escentric fragrances highlight the unique character of the aroma-molecule with ingredients chosen to bring out the molecule’s key facets, marking nature’s beauty through fresh interpretations of much-loved notes. So far, so chemical. Now, here’s the hype — fragrances that aren’t fuelled by lunar exotic boring florals and are instead charged with originality.
Shop Escentric DISCOvery SetMolecule DISCOvery Set
Pure and singular, the Molecule fragrances are radically minimalist and celebrate the chemical scents that make up the bulk of perfumes in their own right. Effects, not fragrances, where a single note aroma-chemical gives the most dynamic results: freshness and sex appeal. These moody beauties all hold a web of multifarious meanings, definitions and sensations.
Shop Molecule DISCOvery Set